Ending this crazy year of 2020 with a double pin-up to XJ-9 assimilation series.
And also a slightly longer comic strip of pg.81.
Find out more by subscribing to Dmfoart Newsletter to received the
latest pin up and comic. A monthly subscription to my NSFW artwork
directly to your inbox.
Monthly Payment Tier will give you the access
to the latest :
With $1 Tier : You gain an access the latest Vibr8:in2 comic strips, emailed directly to you.
*You will also be able to access all the previous chapters.
With $15 Tier : You gain access to the latest NSFW Pin-Ups poster (1280x800px++) in hi-res & the latest Vibr8:in2 comic strips, all emailed directly to you.
*You will also be able to access all the previous pin-ups and Vibr8in2 chapters.
Payment can be made via paypal: dmfo@ymail.com
Your subscription will enable me to create more technophilia NSFW artworks without worries.
Pin-Up WIP